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At VTRN RESET, we empower service leavers and veterans who are experiencing mental health crisis, transition related issues, lack of vision to reclaim their lives and  self-actualise.

We achieve this through our Joint Service Partnership Model, which at its core is an intensive 10-day retreat designed by a team of experts in psychotherapy, neuroscience, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, nutritional science, and physical and somatic therapy.

Each veterans transformative journey is supported by a clear, bespoke vision and ongoing personal development plan, ensuring their brighter, more fulfilling future.

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We adopt a candidate-up approach to deliver a programme through a Joint Service Partnership model , which, at its core, is an intensive 10-day retreat in a group setting in the United Kingdom. 


Our team, comprising high-caliber experts in psychotherapy and business transformation, corporate networking, PR and marketing, and the ministry of defence, combined with a board of advisors featuring industry-leading expertise in mental health, top executives from NHS, public and private sectors, and the ministry of defence, ensures a comprehensive strategy to fulfill our mission, delivering both expertise and value. 

Join us on our mission to empower veterans manage their symptoms and regain control of their lives.

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"At the heart of every veteran's struggle is a desire for renewed purpose. VTRN RESET CIC illuminates that path, turning traumatic shadows into stepping stones towards a brighter tomorrow." 

— Ash Alexander-Cooper OBE

Ambassador for VTRN RESET CIC. 

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GARRATH’S Military Career:  - 17 years in the British and Australian Army. - Garrath served or worked all round the globe in a variety of ranks and roles including Kosovo, Canada, Germany, The Solomon Islands, the USA and Afghanistan. - International Engagement specialist.  PRIVATE AND THIRD SECTOR EXPERIENCE:  - BD, account management and training delivery. - Programme Management and new brand development. - BOA for several Veteran initiatives with a large network. - 3rd Sector Veteran Employability Programme lead.  CURRENT SITUATION:   - Director of JobOppO. - Special Advisor to the Minister of Veteran Affairs. POINT OF DIFFERENCE: - Always keen to challenge the norm. - Believer in the positivity offered by a military career.


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